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The Connected Curriculum

The Connected Curriculum aims to develop children socially, academically and spiritually. Our primary aim is to help develop every child, so they are able to become an active member of our school community and society. In addition, the intent behind our curriculum is to contribute towards the cultural capital for children in terms of the knowledge and skills they need to be successful learners and in life. Our curriculum is unique as it is based on connectivity, making links between our reading, skills and knowledge as we build upon learning across subjects in each year group and across the children’s learning journey in our school. Our Connected Curriculum ensures progression for every child as the curriculum is personalised and designed to build upon the experiences and backgrounds of our children.

When developing the Connected Curriculum, we knew from our research that learning needed to be relational and the curriculum must be sequenced in a way that builds upon prior knowledge. Using schemata to identify relationships between information and linking knowledge. The National School Improvement Network shared a definition of learning: ‘Learning is a reflective activity which enables the learner to draw upon previous experience to understand and evaluate the present, so as to shape future action and formulate new knowledge.’

Connected Curriculum Vocabulary Graphic

The Connected Curriculum is taught as discrete subjects, but the connectivity across them comes from the skills learnt, experienced and remembered being visited across subject areas. These skills are known as the Connected Curriculum Learning Language. The children use knowledge organisers to gather their powerful knowledge and subject acquisition. The Connected Curriculum Learning Language allows children to use the various learning and life skills across all subject areas, so that every Ravenscote child is able to engage, enrich and excel within the Connected Curriculum. 

Reading is at the heart of the Connected Curriculum. When children join us in year three, we use the information provided by their infant schools and baseline assessments to ensure that we build upon their phonics and reading knowledge, to enable all children to access the Connected Curriculum. We begin the reading journey at Ravenscote with discrete phonics lessons each week and children who are in their early stages of reading follow the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme to support their reading development and to ensure that they are practising the sounds they are learning within texts. Children in Years 5 and 6, who are developing in early reading (including EAL learners) enter the Read, Write Inc. Fresh Start programme, taught by our specialist reading teacher. All teachers and Learning Support Assistants have had Read, Write Inc training (July 2022) and are able to use this in whole class, group and 1:1 learning.

All children have reading lessons every week. In our reading lessons, the children use a reading rainbow to help them understand texts. The rainbow is made up of a wide range of 'lenses' that enable the children to focus on specific elements of a text when reading. As we also use a writing rainbow, the children are able to read books through the author's eye and build the bridge between reading and writing. This knowledge and skill of reading supports the children’s progress across the Connected Curriculum, as they are able to access learning within all subjects.

"The school’s curriculum is ambitious, well planned and taught well. Pupils benefit from a rich curriculum offer. A key feature of this is how knowledge and skills are connected within and between subjects. This deliberate connectivity helps pupils to build new learning onto what they already know. For example, pupils learn about important key concepts, such as power and empire across different historical periods."

"Teaching brings learning to life. Staff are adept at introducing and explaining new knowledge. Across a range of subjects, they are skilled at spotting and addressing gaps in pupils’ learning. Any additional needs are quickly identified. When needed, staff adapt their approach so that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities can achieve success."

Ofsted OCTOBER 2024