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Introduction to Ravenscote - Sept 24


Dear Parent/Carer

I am delighted and excited that your child will be joining Ravenscote Junior School in September 2024. 

Induction Day – Tuesday 2nd July: 09:00-14:30

Your child is invited to visit us for an Induction Day on Tuesday 2nd July 2024. Please bring your child to the school hall, via the front gate, at 09:00 wearing their current school uniform. School staff will be present to guide you. Please collect your child from the same place at 14:30.

For the Induction Day, if you haven't pre-ordered a school lunch, your child will need to bring a packed lunch with them. Your child does not need to bring anything else with them for the day. If your child usually uses an inhaler or needs an EpiPen, it is essential that you bring these with you for the Induction Day. Please hand these to the staff in the hall.

Parents’ Information Evening – Tuesday 2nd July – 19:00-20:00

A Parents’ Information Evening will take place on the evening of Tuesday 2nd July at 19:00. This will be for approximately one hour and is an opportunity for you to learn further information about our school.  (Please note that this is a parent-only session and we would appreciate it if you could make suitable childcare arrangements.)

Community Open Event - Tuesday 9th July - 15:45-16:45

Everyone is welcome to attend our Community Open Event on Tuesday 9th July, from 15:45. This event will be a wonderful opportunity for you to see what we have to offer. We will be running a wide range of activities for families to view, and children to take part in, all around the school and look forward to welcoming you to this event. There is no need to book in advance; turn up and our leadership team and prefects will welcome you and show you around. The PTA will also be in attendance selling 2nd hand uniform and Lila the Ravenscote bear, as well as recruiting new members.

First Day at Ravenscote

On Tuesday 3rd September 2024, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Nicholson and I will be there to welcome the children through the gates between 08.35-08.45. Please take your child/ren directly to the classroom where the class teacher will be there to greet them! Don't worry if you can't remember where you are going, there will be staff around on the first day to help you.

School closes promptly at 15.25. (Please arrange a meeting place with your child.)

PE Days for Year 3
3A - Tuesdays and Fridays
3B - Mondays and Fridays
3C - Wednesdays and Fridays
3D - Thursdays and Fridays
3E - Monday and Friday
Children are to wear their PE kit to school on the 2 days they have PE. 
The year 3 children will be starting PE on Friday 6th September 2024.

The Ravenscote family is looking forward to meeting you and welcoming your child to our school.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Amy Wells